Check out the full list of 2017 #OctoLeader winners!

The best marketing leaders don’t play by the rules. They’re too busy reinventing them.

With the recently announced 2017 #OctoLeader Awards, we wanted to recognize the best and brightest marketing leaders on Twitter.

Read the full list of 2017 #OctoLeaders here!

As Sarah Goodall, Founder of Tribal Impact (@tribalimpact) and I reviewed the nominations, I was struck by the tremendous variety of leadership the marketing world has to offer.

Take the tireless research of David Edelman (@davidedelman), for example, or perhaps the deep commitment to education of Catharine Hays (@Catharinehays). Elsewhere, there’s the decades-long commitment to excellence of Tom Peters (@tom_peters) and the thought leadership of Dorie Clark (@dorieclark). And of course, we can’t discount the energy and innovation up-and-comers like Sam Sova (@samsova) and Casie Vogel (@CasieVogel) bring to the table as well!

In a marketing landscape where all the rules can change overnight—and then change again the next night—it’s good to know that these #OctoLeaders are out there on the frontlines.

Who better to help anticipate change, champion new engagement strategies, and steer their brands in brave new directions?

Did your favorite marketing leader make the list? Find out here!


What Is an #OctoLeader?

What makes a good marketing leader? What do the best marketers have in common with octopuses? To learn more, check out our video below—or read our series of octo-related blogs!

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