Discover—and Empower
Your Employees
In our Lynda course, we get into what we call the 5 Ds—the essential pillars of any successful social employee pilot. The first of those Ds is “Discover.” In order to build a strong culture of social employee advocates, it’s important to identify the early adopters within your organization and enlist them to help you lead the charge.
Jim Whitehurst (@JWhitehurst), CEO at RedHat, calls these employees thermostats. These workers set the temperature in your organization, and their advocacy and leadership often inspire other coworkers to action. They are constantly making new connections, sharing, collaborating, and building influence. They follow industry trends and are constantly seeking and testing out new tools to incorporate into the workplace.
Reach out to subject matter experts across all departments. This will help you design a program that benefits the entire organization. Then, figure out what your early adopters already know—and what they can teach others. Ask what your employees are doing online, who they are engaging, and why. Learn which employees have developed strong personal brands, and how they’ve achieved this. See if anyone is already using social selling strategies and what they’ve learned from the process.
Of course, these are just starter questions. There’s always more to learn—and more to ask—in the discovery process. The important thing is to get the conversation started. The more you learn, the better idea you’ll have of what direction to head next.
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Culture eats strategy for breakfast.
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In The Social Employee, we go behind the scenes with several leading brands—such as IBM, AT&T, Dell, Adobe, Southwest Airlines, Cisco, Acxiom, and Domo—pulling the lid off the inspiring social business success stories that have propelled these companies into the 21st century. These cutting-edge brands have all come to the same realization: the path to social business lies through empowering the social employee.
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“Great brands have always started on the inside, but why are companies taking so long to leverage the great opportunities offered by internal social media? . . . The Social Employee lifts the lid on this potential and provides guidance for businesses everywhere.” —JEZ FRAMPTON, Global Chairman and CEO, Interbrand
The Social Employee offers an unparalleled behind-the-scenes look at the social business success stories of some of the biggest brand names in the business world, including IBM, AT&T, Dell, Adobe, Southwest Airlines, Cisco, Acxiom, and Domo. These cutting-edge brands have all come to the same realization: the path to social business lies through empowering the social employee.
The brands that leverage their employee base in order to engage customers and prospects through social media are the ones destined to win the marketing wars. This book not only details the astronomical rise of the social employee, but also outlines the innovative methods that leading companies have employed to foster cultures of enthusiastic and engaged workers.
FOREWORD by David C. Edelman, Global Co-Leader, Digital Marketing & Sales Practice, McKinsey & Company
AFTERWORD by Kevin Randall, Vice President of Brand Strategy & Research at Movéo Integrated Branding, and journalist for The New York Times, The Economist and Vanity Fair.
Download ~> Free Chapter 3 – “Brands Under Pressure”