Content Marketing Mark Burgess

I am proud to announce that, on March 3 and 4, 2016, I will be delivering an AMA Content Marketing workshop in Chicago. 


It is still early in 2016, and your need to create or fine-tune a powerful Content Marketing Strategy is more important than ever.   This workshop includes key strategic elements from brainstorming and storytelling to content distribution, and team structure to ROI  —  in a highly interactive format.  Today’s prospective buyers have greater access to consumer information than ever before, and they are using it to make informed purchase decisions.  Is the right content reaching your audience at the right time in the right place and in the right stage of their decision journey?

“Content Marketing is all the Marketing that’s Left.”  – Seth Godin

People have shorter attention spans and we are all becoming more visual.  Now is the time for brands to develop and deploy an effective content marketing strategy.  I have delivered this workshop across the country many times to dozens of attendees who recognized the need to pick up their game. Discover how your brand can benefit from content marketing. Learn to create and publish marketing content across all relevant touch points where your brand interacts with customers. Create a content marketing blueprint that meets your customer’s informational needs, drives leads, and helps to achieve the revenue goals of your company.


From the AMA:

This workshop will focus on how to create and leverage the myriad forms of content to promote businesses, retain customers, influence word of mouth, close the decision gap on prospects and leverage content as a brand differentiator. Learn to deliver great content in the right forms and places, and in a way that is specifically mapped to your audience’s information needs and buying stages.

“Traditional Marketing Talks at People.  Content Marketing Talks with Them.”

—  Doug Kessler

Here are the details  >>>

What:  Content Marketing 2016 with Mark Burgess

Place:  Summit Executive Centre, 205 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL 60601

When:  March 3 and 4, 2016   – 8am to 4pm each day

Previous article written for the American Marketing Association’s Elevate blog: “Periscope is Ushering in the Coming Content Renaissance.”

Follow me on Twitter @mnburgess

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