We hope you will join us on Wednesday, May 20 for an exciting free 24-hour event. The Digital Workplace Group (@DWG) is hosting Digital Workplace 24 (#DW24)—2015, a digital conference chock-full of guest speakers and live, behind-the-scenes workplace tours of several major brands. The event is set to kick off at 7 a.m. EST and run nonstop until 7 a.m. the following day (May 21).
Register for #DW24 for FREE today!
So grab a comfy seat, a big computer screen, and probably a cup or two of coffee—and put your learning caps on—because you’re about to get a crash course on the digital workplace of the future. Blue Focus Marketing (@BlueFocus) cofounders Mark Burgess (@MNBurgess) and myself, Cheryl Burgess (@CKBurgess), will be discussing key points from our best-selling book, The Social Employee (McGraw-Hill, 2013), with a special focus on employee training and the value of social learning in today’s workplace.
But make sure you catch us in time: Mark and I will be going live during hour eight of #DW24 at 2 p.m. EST on Wednesday, May 20.
Click here to see the #DW24 schedule of events and list of speakers
What is social learning, and why is it so important? In the new social landscape, business leaders have come to understand that we learn in highly individualized ways, using both formal and informal pathways to learning. Some of us like to self-teach online. Others enjoy attending workshops, while still others prefer building mentoring partnerships or informal learning groups, sharing ideas, insights, and experiences with each other as needs and questions arise.
Organizations that want to leverage the full potential of the digital workplace must embrace this variety of learning styles. A one-size-fits-all training model helps no one—and is often a wasted investment. The average person in today’s workforce can change jobs as many as 10–15 times over the course of their career. This means that today’s social employees must build a foundation of skills based on adaptability and resourcefulness so they can adapt to new work and learning environments quickly and effectively.
The social organization doesn’t just show employees what to learn, but how to learn as well. And there are plenty of ways to do this, from self-directed learning modules to employee-produced content, from off-domain webinars to in-house hackathons. The sky’s the limit—and if there’s a will to learn, there’s a way to teach it.
An adaptive, flexible social learning strategy doesn’t just benefit employees, but organizations as well—a true win-win. As business guru Tom Peters (@tom_peters) likes to say, training should be the number-one objective of every organization. A dynamic, adaptive social learning program produces adaptive, dynamic social employees—improving employee retention and productivity and cementing that most coveted of business goals: a strong brand identity.
So how does all this work? Join us at #DW24 on May 20 to find out!
Below are recent endorsements for The Social Employee (McGraw-Hill, August 2013) by Tom Peters and David Aaker on their social networks, but if you want to see more of their endorsements click here.
In The Social Employee, we go behind the scenes with several leading brands—such as IBM, AT&T, Dell, Adobe, Southwest Airlines, Cisco, Acxiom, and Domo—pulling the lid off the inspiring social business success stories that have propelled these companies into the 21st century. These cutting-edge brands have all come to the same realization: the path to social business lies through empowering the social employee.
See what others are saying about The Social Employee and order your copy today!
Please check out @SocialEmployee media buzz! 
“Great brands have always started on the inside, but why are companies taking so long to leverage the great opportunities offered by internal social media? . . . The Social Employee lifts the lid on this potential and provides guidance for businesses everywhere.” —JEZ FRAMPTON, Global Chairman and CEO, Interbrand
The Social Employee offers an unparalleled behind-the-scenes look at the social business success stories of some of the biggest brand names in the business world, including IBM, AT&T, Dell, Adobe, Southwest Airlines, Cisco, Acxiom, and Domo. These cutting-edge brands have all come to the same realization: the path to social business lies through empowering the social employee.
The brands that leverage their employee base in order to engage customers and prospects through social media are the ones destined to win the marketing wars. This book not only details the astronomical rise of the social employee, but also outlines the innovative methods that leading companies have employed to foster cultures of enthusiastic and engaged workers.
FOREWORD by David C. Edelman, Global Co-Leader, Digital Marketing & Sales Practice, McKinsey & Company