Sharing Great Content Requires Empowered Employee Advocates
Here at Blue Focus Marketing, it’s no secret that we’re big fans of social employees. We can’t help it; it’s in our DNA. Plus, whenever you see compelling examples of employee advocacy, you just can’t help but smile. The truth is simple: We connect better with brands whose employees are willing to share little pieces of themselves in the digital bazaar. And it’s not hard to see why.
With that in mind, it was great to sit down with William Arruda recently to share our thoughts on social employees, why they’re so valuable, and how brands can harness their power and expand their digital footprint. Here’s a highlight from the conversation, but be sure to check out the full conversation on Forbes:
William: I think for a lot of companies there’s a fear factor. Can you talk a little bit about that internal trust element?
Mark: There are clear benefits to having the employee representing them as the brand ambassador in the marketplace. But the flip side, and the reason the formula works, is there are clear benefits to the employee, and part of it is building their brand for employability. They are building their network. If there was nothing in it for the employee, it would just be another task and something they wouldn’t be happy about doing. So, what you do is identify people who are really passionate about your brand, love to use social media, and see the benefits for the brand and for themselves. The goal is never to have 100% participation. It’s about wanting the employee to feel a part of it. Never force them to do anything they don’t want to do.
We’re very grateful to William for sharing our conversation with all his fans on Forbes and Twitter!
To learn more about William Arruda’s own marketing thought leadership and advocacy
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Listen to our full conversation on William Arruda’s Reach podcast below:
Image Source: Forbes