We are living in the age of movements and uprisings, says Scott Goodson (@scottfrog), founder of the pacesetting global marketing/advertising agency StrawberryFrog (@Frogism). Each of us—individuals, brands, social organizations—wants to stand for something, to matter, to be heard. Our causes are many and varied, from local campaigns to global movements. But with so many others competing for attention, how can we make our own cause stand out?
According to Goodson, it begins with defining the change you want to make. Standing for something is easy. Advocating is easy. But without a clear goal, you may find that simply taking a stand and advocating aren’t enough. What do you want people to do? How do you want them to act? What is the change you want to see in the world? The clearer you are in your message and call to action, the more effective you will be. From there, make sure you understand your audience, be true to your purpose, and take your stand. To learn more about how to start a movement, check out this video on Scott’s 10 tips below:
When we first started Blue Focus Marketing (@BlueFocus), Mark Burgess (@MNBurgess) and I were inspired by several great leaders. One of them was Scott Goodson. In fact, Scott’s best-selling book, Uprising (McGraw-Hill), inspired us to write our own best-selling book for McGraw-Hill, The Social Employee (@SocialEmployee). Scott also introduced me to the Wharton Future of Advertising (@WhartonFoA) community, and we were both contributors to Beyond Advertising, by Yoram (Jerry) Wind and Catharine Findiesen Hays (@catharinehays), as well as to the Wharton Future of Advertising Innovation Network. See if you can spot’s Scott’s influence and inspiring style in Mark’s talk from TEDx Navesink below:
Want to dive deeper into what it means to start a movement and how to effectively channel your energies? Subscribe to Scott’s Uprising podcast on iTunes!