In early July, we had the privilege of participating in the seventh annual Social Business Forum (@SocialBizForum) in Milan. At the event, Blue Focus Marketing President, Mark Burgess (@MNBurgess) and I gave a speech titled “The Rise of the Social Employee & the Social Leader,” which expanded on the many concepts presented in both our best-selling book, The Social Employee (McGraw-Hill, 2013) and Mark’s recent TEDx talk.
The content of this speech also made it into the June, 2014 issue of the Harvard Business Review Italia in the form of two separate articles: “Piloting the Future of Social Business – Branding From the Inside Out” by Mark Burgess, and “How the Social Executive Seizes Opportunity” by myself. You can download the file, titled “#Social & Digital Transformation,” here.
The event was organized by OpenKnowledge (@openknow) and was very well attended, bringing together many prominent thought leaders in social business for what is considered Europe’s leading event on employee empowerment, customer engagement, and collaborative innovation. It was an honor to be among so many inspirational business leaders, who continue to bring hope and vision for the dawning era of social business.
In truth, even a month later we are still processing everything—there was enough to see, do, and take part in to last several conferences. So, before closing the book on this excellent event, we would like to give our heartfelt thanks to the following people for helping to make this event such a positive experience. Thank you to Rosario Sica (@rsica), Emanuele Scotti (@emanuelescotti), Enrico de Luca, Alessio Buongiomo, Joseph Sassoon, Enrico Sassoon, Aldo Razzino (@aldorazzino), and Paolo Degl’Innocenti (IBM). You are all essential members of the social business community.
I would also like to give a heart-felt thanks and a digital red rose to Selene Uras (@selene_uras), who was a godsend to us during the conference with her constant support and assistance. Thank you, Selene, for your kindness and energy.