The Social Employee Infographic - Brand Planet

What is your brand’s relationship to its employees? In our new book The Social Employee: How Great Companies Make Social Media Work, available now through McGraw-Hill, we explain that a brand cannot communicate externally unless it first learns to communicate internally.

To better understand your brand’s pull on its workers, and how it can unlock the imaginations of its social employees by building dynamic, transparent communication channels, we have created this handy infographic.

Peek inside The Social Employee and order your copy today!

As a handy metaphor, think of your brand as a planet, and your employees as satellites drawn into your orbit. It is your brand’s duty to generate enough gravity to hold those employee satellites in place. Otherwise, you may find them drawn to other brands with a stronger pull. If this happens to your workforce, you don’t just risk losing some of your employees, you risk losing your best employees.

As we illustrate below, it doesn’t have to be this way!

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The Social Employee Infographic - Brand Planet

In an era where employee job satisfaction is startlingly low, brands have an increased responsibility to build thriving cultures of engaged social employees. By doing so, companies can drive brand value and learn to generate measurable and sustainable ROI in the digital bazaar. It all begins by building strong collaborative relationships among employees, across departments, and driven by the C-Suite.

In The Social Employee, we go behind the scenes with several leading brands—such as IBM, AT&T, Dell, Adobe, Southwest Airlines, Cisco, Acxiom, and Domo—pulling the lid off the inspiring social business success stories that have propelled these companies into the 21st century. These cutting-edge brands have all come to the same realization: the path to social business lies through empowering the social employee.

Remember, the social employee journey starts today. Is your brand ready to join the @socialemployee revolution?

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